Far Verona Wiki

"Only Death Can Grant Meaning."

The Order of the Helping Hands is part of The Church of Humanity, Repentant's department of charity on Cabina. The order quickly grew beyond the borders of the Benilli system.

Originally founded by the Tyrconnel family, former Lyran nobles who left House Lyra over religious disagreements. It thrives on invoking a cult of personality type experience and hides all of its members behind face masks, shrouds, and veils.

The movement has flowed along the southern rim towards imperial prime. Primarily known for providing comfort and assistance to the elderly, doing unlicenced burials, faux-Lyran ceremonies, and for having their own Cabina Cups tea brand. They also do covert work in saving people in debt or in misery by using the Church of Humanity Vigil's Railroad to remove them from the situation and inducting them into the order.

It's community managers are primarily ex-lyran cultural managers and its helping hands are primarily freemen deeply committed and indebted to the order and its strange ways. Their leader The Shrouded Maiden is followed by several masked adherents and devoted followers wherever she goes.

The Helping Hands doctrine applies the tenet of the soul to deny the nobility any privileges over the serf soul and its followers are actively subverting House Lyra and The High Church of Messiah-as-Emperox when it comes to funerals rites and burial ceremonies.

The Repentant Faith

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History (Pre-CHR)
History (CHR)