The “Golden Generation” is a rotating secretive social club made up of young-to-middle-aged House Crux non-inheriting Promisedborn. Historically, House Crux has placed many, if not all, of the familial responsibilities on the designated Primeborn heir for succession purposes. Thus, many members of noble society found themselves without responsibility from their family. While many nobles chose to join the Judiciary or the House Guard, some chose to do neither, and live their lives as titled nobility. As these nobles were not called to learn the family business or to manage the family assets, many turned to drinking and gambling.
Nobody knows exactly when, but one day, a few House Crux nobles recognized each other as they were wiling away the days in similar fashion and decided to create a “social club.” This club would be exclusively for other members that would not or never inherit their family wealth or were a member of a branch to a powerful family and would provide a place to meet and congregate. Over the course of many years, nobles would come to hear of this social club through word-of-mouth, and join for a few years to around a decade, but then, grow out of the club and seek marriage or leave the nobility entirely. It is said that at a certain age, membership would be revoked, but nobody has stayed in the club long enough to experience this.
The most defining characteristic of the social club is their use of a particular illicit social stimulant known as “Golden Flake” which provides increased energy, tolerance to alcohol, sociability, and sex drive. The use of this drug at social club parties eventually caused the name of the social club to be known as the “Golden Generation.”
Recently, the club has increased its hedonistic levels of drug consumption and debauchery, and membership is at an all-time high. While the club’s more… secretive activities were never publicized, now Promisedborn that successfully pass the C.O.A.T. immediately join the Golden Generation instead of being screened first and then an invitation extended. Some of the elder members have noticed that Golden Flake is being consumed at a much higher rate and is of much higher quality. These members are concerned that the recklessness of the younger members will cause the Inquisitors of House Crux to start investigating its own.
The current ringleaders of The Golden Generation are:
- Kral Crux Kesler Vigilantia (Age 27, Promisedborn)
- Kral Crux Glöckner Sabrina (Age 25, Promisedborn)
- Junker Crux Benzo Elizabeth (Age 19, Promisedborn)
- Junker Crux Geier Jaromir (Age 28, Promisedborn)
- Junker Crux Malleus Claudius (Age 22, Promisedborn)
- Junker Crux DeMaiste Angelique (Age 24, Promisedborn)
- Markgrafin Crux Rosen Atsuko (Age 34, Promisedborn)
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