Far Verona Wiki

Tiber’s ecosystem is also uniquely influenced by a prevalent species of algae which thrives in deeper areas of Tiber’s oceans. This alga is known colloquially as The Empress' Tears due to its teardrop shape and amethyst color.

While tears are not generally described as being “amethyst” in color, this is a reference to a story about Empress Eridanus Juliana which is widely considered apocryphal - the inference being that the Empress was so focused on material wealth that even her tears were made of jewels.

Tiber’s algae is in bloom during the majority of the planet’s year. While in bloom, the algae stain Tiber’s oceans an unusual purple hue, and this stain carries to the edges of many smaller tributaries as well. Plants growing close to these stained waters, as well as many herbivores, also take on a purple shade, though not nearly as vibrant as that of the water itself. The further upriver one moves, the less of this color they will see.

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