Far Verona Wiki

The Following page is the interpretation of the soul as according to the state religion of the Empire, The High Church of Messiah-as-Emperox. Other interpretation of the Soul, such as by The Repentant Faith, will differ from this page.

This page is currently a Work-In-Progress. 

The Soul a Metaphysical, Immaterial, and Intangible, spark of Divinity that contains a person's true being. They are immortal and exist in the spiritual realm. It is unique to Humanity and it is what allows Humans to display The Ten Virtues, the primary qualities associated with High Church Doctrine.

Structure of the Soul[]

The Structure of the Soul is divided into Four Spheres. Each of these spheres represents a mirrored pair of Virtues, with the Soul itself representing Faith and Hope. In addition, each of these spheres is reflected in the structure of the High Church itself.

The Body/Corpus[]

The Sphere of the Body is assigned the Virtue pair of Fortitude and Dilligence. It is represented in the clergy by the Inquisition.

The Heart/Cor[]

The Sphere of the Heart is assigned the Virtue pair of Propriety and Integrity. It is represented in the clergy by the Pastoria.

The Spirit/Spiritus[]

The Sphere of the Spirit is assigned the Virtue pair of Justice and Charity. It is represented in the clergy by the Ministry.

The Mind/Mens[]

The Sphere of the Mind is assigned the Virtue pair of Wisdom and Temperance. It is represented in the clergy by the Canonate.

Structural Controversy[]

There is a common theological debate as to whether the Soul is a fifth sphere or as an overarching whole. This debate carries it's origins in the contested translation of the phrase "Four Spheres in One Soul" compared to "Four Spheres and One Soul".