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Orpheus is part of the Antakis system in Hex #0705.

Homeworld of House Lyra

Nature and Climate[]

Orpheus is a highly inhospitable planet only supporting microbial life. This is unsurprising given the extremely cold weather and frequent violent lightning storms. The magnetic poles are covered with expansive thick dark ice sheets. The thick ridges of ice can be almost impossible for outsiders to differentiate from the actual rock of the dark planet.

The continental landmasses on the equator are jagged volcanic mountain ranges with glacial valleys and desolate tundras covered in deep dark snow almost all year round. The snow gets its dark color from the ash and soot particles blown up in the atmosphere from the active volcanoes dotting the planet, creating a perpetual twilight.


For main article, see Biosphere of Orpheus

But even in this hard environment some life still thrives. The thermal and electrical energies released by the lighting storms interacting with the carbon particles in the snow gives nutrients to the hellish bacterial clouds that are carried on the strong winds. Under the large polar ice sheets and icebergs life can also be found in large bacterial colonies attached to the ice. Some attempts to use these colonies for food production have been made but nothing has come out off it. They are used in the actual embalming processes of the dead however.

In the protected mountain caves and man made catacombs a number of bacterial species can be found. One of these are the “Crawlers", large and very deadly bacterial mold colonies clinging to the cave- and catacomb walls. Called "Crawlers" because the colonies will often and rather unnervingly shift their position to account for nutrients brought into the catacombs by the storms. The secrete left behind these movements are used to make the drug Apep.

The Nature of the Storm[]

Before any human settlers first stepped on Orpheus it was a cold uninhabited world only home to microbes and other simpler life forms. Orpheus owes it cold surface partly to the small orange old star it orbits. As well as the large clouds of soot particles blown up by the many active volcanoes blocking most of the sunlight.

The massive pressure differences the caused by the volcanic eruptions also caused the build up of fierce storm fronts. When these storms was released they discharged into short but intense lightning storms affecting most of the planet. These storms were cyclical in nature and would disperse very quickly after circulating the planet.

Settling and Terraforming[]

The first Lyran settlers from the Lyre Constellation ship arrived on Orpheus shortly after the Alien peace treaties were signed. The cold weather and thick atmosphere was simple enough for the first settlers to handle but the storms provided more challenge. It was only when a large network of terraforming devices were built across the planet that the storms could be tamed. The population and House Lyra grew massively as a result and bloomed into a golden age. The detailed weather control terraforming system reduced the storms to a fraction of their size that could be handled by advanced lightning rods(see Necropolis). Some topside farming was even made possible around the equator but most food remained imported.

The Scream[]

Then came the scream and everything went silent. And in what seemed like a second the weather control collapsed and hundreds of years of carefully managed stormfronts exploded engulfing the entire planet. But these storms never stopped. Somehow the former weather control system empowered them and kept them going even to this day.

The only place free from the ever raging storm is its eye found around a terraform node north of Djebashi. Once the primary control center for the network but now a collapsed pile of rubble hiding the node deep underneath. The eye moves slightly sometimes granting Djebashi an eerie and fleeting silence from the eternal storm.


Orpheus Map

Eurydice, Capital of Orpheus[]

The original mountain city on Orpheus, Eurydice was House Lyra’s safe haven during the years immediately following the Scream. Those who found refuge in the city found it to be their only bastion left on the planet. With the storm outside raging with a new fury, it was Eurydice that saved Lyra and gave it a second chance. The city was originally largely residential. Necessity led to it being made the capital of House Lyra, and thus begun expansion into the mountain caverns, with districts in the city reforming to suit the needs of the then trapped House. As the Lyrans expanded to other parts of their planet, Eurydice has remained the foremost bastion of Lyran culture.

Today the city acts as Lyra’s hub for diplomacy and education. Eurydice’s architecture, to an outsider, embodies the despair and death that followed the scream. The city itself carries a heavy burden of always reminding the House of its past, of what they had to overcome. However, to House Lyra, Eurydice is the beauty of death embodied and the hopeful blessings of the After made manifest. The architecture blends together the ancient earthen cultures that inspired the Lyrans of old. It embodies the power of unity. It shows Lyra’s united strength in upholding beauty both Here and After.

One of the most striking details about Eurydice is the distinctly small number of outsiders within its city limits. While Lyrans can freely enter and exit, only diplomats, students at the various academies within Eurydice, and those accompanied by a Lyran may gain access to the capital city. As a sacred location, the limitations act as a sign of the city’s significance in Lyran culture. Crime within the capital carries incredibly harsh punishment, as it is an affront not only to the victim but to the House and its very culture.

City Layout[]

Situated amongst the frozen crags and black glaciers that cover the surface, Eurydice is a breathtaking scene. Seemingly carved from the very mountain itself forming a huge pyramid. Smaller pyramid settlements can be seen in the far distance ,constructed nearly wholesale from black stone bricks and ice. All connected via the sprawling network of catacomb roads.

The highest levels of the city are dedicated to apartments for offworlders, who tend to not enjoy the claustrophobic environs most Lyrans take comfort in, with blast-protected windows looking out on the apocalyptic surroundings. Some of the diplomats in these quarters wonder if perhaps Lyrans have the right of it, with their holo-windows and works of art taking the place of traditional outside views, rather than the shifting, vaguely threatening static that is Orphean weather. Nevertheless, the famed Lyran Horusets, said to be able to convince even a Reticulum duelist to lay down their laser pistol, train here as well, their debate rooms and auditoriums housed just underneath the offworld diplomats they will soon interface with on a daily basis.

Though they have several other libraries in more remote corners of Orpheus, the Tehuti scholars, envied even by House Vela for their researching abilities and their near-obsessive cataloging and collection of ancient sector history and stories long thought lost, have their Grand Stacks here in Eurydice. Consisting of row after row of stone datashelves and server banks, as well as racks of actual paper books, the Stacks are a marvel to behold, though you’ll have to talk your way past the Tehuti on duty to see them, and even then only trained Tehuti archivists are allowed to handle the most delicate books.

In the depths of Eurydice, a brave traveler would find the perhaps ironically named High Preparation Chambers, where the Neshmet burial directors and their acolytes prepare bodies for the After, the Lyran term for the afterlife. The Chambers are a labyrinth of stark stone and strange machinery, and the mausoleums beneath are said to be impossible to navigate without a trained Tehuti or a Neshmet acolyte at your side, full of secret pathways and hidden rooms. Though, the city’s main thoroughfare into the catacomb roads cuts straight through, and can provide some modicum of directional aid as well.

Academy of Ma’at[]

The Academy of Ma’at is the main education facility on Orpheus, located near the center of the city of Eurydice. The children of House Lyra attend the Academy for their basic education up until the age of 14, during this time every student carries the title of Xeper. After the Coming of Age ceremony they receive the title of the order their chosen path is representing. They will continue to be educated at the academy but will receive specialised education to enable them to work for their respective orders as best as possible.    

The building itself looks like it is carved into the black rock of the mountain. The outside resembles a large gothic cathedral with all sorts of decorations, colored mosaic windows and gargoyles seemingly ready to defend the building. The inside is almost a maze of hallways, classrooms, lecture halls, offices and recreational rooms.There is enough space in this multi-storied building to teach all of Lyra’s students the ways of the House.  

Seshat Academy of Psionics[]

A coiling black and green tower that winds from the mountaintop of Eurydice to the base. The top of the tower interwinds into a wing of Academy of Ma’at dedicated to biological studies. Many joint classes are held between the academies and students are encouraged to attend classes in each academy. There is an entrance to the MES Academy on every level of Eurydice giving easy access for all students. The interior is filled with art displays depicting the different psychic disciplines and popular psychic users of the past. The academy is run by Serpens staff to train and educate Lyran MES afficted on Orpheus.

Recently the spire has been expanded with a new joint Lyra-Triangulum lab kitted out with top tier equipment to study the defunct terraforming infrastructure on Orpheus. The Lyran architects have tried their best to marry the soft coiling structure of the existing tower with the hallmark square practical boxes of Triangulum architecture.

Catacombs of House Lyra[]

Main article: Catacombs of House Lyra

The Catacombs of House Lyra are both a focal and point of pride of Orpheus.Thefinal home of the planet’s dead, they are held in extremely high regard by the members of the House. While being mostly frequented by the Neshmet of House Lyra, most families of Orpheus have a personal tomb for their dead. The Catacombs of House Lyra are large and extensive, running deep under Eurydice, the older the family the deeper the tomb. Despite stories of hauntings and lost souls, most levels of the Catacombs are both easy to navigate, and crowded, it is only once someone unfamiliar makes the descent are they in danger being lost. Mainly frequented by Neshmet, and guarded by the Keepers of Ammit, the danger within them is extremely minimal.

Cathedral Diligencia[]

Cathedral Diligencia was established by the Masked One, during their reign. The Cathedral is a major cultural landmark in Eurydice, a shining beacon of both faith, and loyalty to the Empire. The Cathedral is dedicated to both the Masked One and their chosen virtue of Diligence. Cathedral Diligencia sticks to Lyran architecture standards, leaning towards gothic design, It is famous for its large and elaborate stained glass windows, the stained glass window is in the shape of a giant mask, looking over congregants. 

The Garden[]

“It was to be a garden in a dark place.”

A forest of ice carved by Meret sculptors and tended by a quiet Xeper ice-grower. Along its still avenues stroll members of House Lyra who wish for little but beauty and calm. The breeze that passes through the Garden ensures a constant whisper as the ice rubs against itself in its many-splendored forms. Some among the noble wanderers use this din to cover the sound of important meetings they wish to keep private from listeners.

The Garden is located on the outskirts of Eurydice. It is a quiet place within an area alive with sound and color; a sanctuary for those who spend much time and effort working toward their goals. On its grounds can be found a small cafe serving pastries, warm drinks, and quiet music; a shrine with cushioned mats and incense for meditation; and a small group of bioengineered cats that lounge beneath frozen boughs.

Beneath the surface of Orpheus rest caverns seldom visited by tourists. They are deep, hard to access, and inhospitable to travelers. They are, however, breathtakingly beautiful to those with an appreciation for the interplay between scant amounts of light and refractions beyond counting. It is within the hearts of these deep ice caves that true terrestrial silence is found.

Hathor's Calling[]

One of the most prominent performing art school on Orpheus. Located in the ice garden of Eurydice, boosting a proud 1000 students. Exams to get into their school are seen as some of the most rigorous and dropout rates among students are high due to the stressful curriculum. For those who graduate, the chances of finding a well paying job is guaranteed. Runned by the Ishii family, one of the oldest families of house Lyra. They opened some of the first schools for the performing arts centuries ago. The family prides itself on producing the finest Merets, with nasty tradition alongside it of denouncing those who do not have enough talent.

Eurydice Conservatory of Dance[]

Main article: Eurydice Conservatory of Dance

The Eurydice Conservatory of Dance is one of the most prestigious dance schools in Acheron Rho. Known for its reputation of classical training, sector famous alumni, and rigorous selection technique, the Eurydice Conservatory of Dance is only for the best of the best of dancers in Acheron Rho. Known for their adaptation of classic ballets such as Giselle and Swan Lake, and new creations they are also a favourite of audiences.

Djebashi, City of Culture, Diplomacy and Trade[]

Main article: The City of Djebashi
Djebashi space elevator

When the haze of the Scream finally started to fade and contact with the other planets in the sector resumed to some sense of normalcy. It quickly became clear that the existing settlements on Orpheus were not fit to handle the comings and goings of space travel. A new face of Orpheus was needed. A distant mountain range far from most of planet’s pyramid cities but with peaks piercing the thick stormy clouds fitted the bill.

The peaks were too rocky and steep to build most of the city on but with Lyran tunneling experience, Fornax schematics and space travel expertise from Velan navigators, the mountain tops were transformed. The peaks became more metal then stone with anchor points for bigger ships and large elevators for visitors and small ships, going down to the actual city in and under the mountain. A space elevator reaching for the stars was later built to facilitate bulk transport of food to the planet. After its completion most bigger ships chose to stay in orbit of the small space port on the moon Nassan and using shuttles or the space elevator to reach the surface.

Beginning as a simple trading hub, the city quickly expanded to a cultural superpower, hosting a variety of different cultural institutions, for all the sector to see.

The Inner City[]

The grand elevators going down through the mountain are a work of art with carvings, paintings and modern holographic imagery. They all combine to tell a story, a story of House Lyra, life, death and the After told little by little as the elevators descend deep into the mountain.

Once within the city is where it’s true form is revealed, not some simple spaceport but a city of culture and art. From its museums, art galleries, and concert halls, Djebashi is truly shining star of the empire. It is not uncommon for a visitor to find a Meret working on their newest creation whether it be music, painting, cooking etc. It is even possible to run into a Hekate, prides of of House Lyra, out of performance. Djebashi is truly jewel of the Empire. Known to those off-world as somewhat of a decadent place, Djebashi is famed for its bordellos and taverns as much as it's galleries, opera houses and amphitheatres. The largest being the Grand Amphitheatre of Calliope.

Something of an exception to the rules of Lyran culture Djebashi is a melting pot of architectural styles and constructions, though this is filtered through the lens of Lyran aesthetic. An Aquilan barracks housing visiting legions may have the form of their standard quick to set up plain-as-can-be bunks but externally frescos and gargoyles and tastefully designed crenelations allow run off of the constant rain water. The neon lights of a restaurant selling food from Hong Lu may show the cultural heritage of the proprietors but they will still adhere in touches of architecture, colour and style to the Lyran visual ideal to varying extents. This serves to give Djebashi a very metropolitan feel. Its warrens of mismatched buildings and pop-up landing pads make it an easy place for newcomers to get lost in.

The Trans-Orphean Monorail[]

The trans Orphean monorail line is the fastest and safest mode of travel between Djebashi and Eurydice. A skilled pilot daring enough to defy the violent weather may cut down down travel time a few hours but few take the risk. The monorail is like a cross section of Lyran society itself. Divided in service class, noble class and embassy class.

Service class consist of the smallest most cramped part of the trains hosting both space for kitchens and train workers as well as serf travelers. The windows are small and far between and just look out to the dark tunnels or the stormy weather. A few screens showing Hekate concerts may also be found.

Noble class have open spacious compartments with drink, food and refreshment available from the kitchens. The large holographic “windows” show beautiful natures scenes from all over the empire making every trip a unique experience. Some non noble “Honored guest” such as A.C.R.E directors can also be seen traveling in noble class.

Embassy class are the finest compartments used for transports of important emissaries and the richest of nobles. Here the holographic windows are individually adapted to the passengers to provide the most aesthetically pleasing journey possible.

Dún Ailinne[]

Main article: Dún Ailinne

Once a minor town, this hidden location on planet Orpheus was rebuilt as the bastion for House Lyra’s deepest of secrets. Few know of its existence and fewer know where to find it. Currently, Dún Ailinne exists as the school for all Hekate and, most recently, a home for Lyrans looking to rebuild the House’s broken legacy.

Abandoned or Forgotten Settlements[]

Khunum-Ka, Lost Bread Basket of Orpheus[]

Frozen planet surface by n8package-d3b9ehq

The Great Ash Sea https://natehallinanart.deviantart.com/art/Frozen-Planet-Surface-200312990

Khunum-Ka was something of an oddity in Lyran Culture. It was built solely for industrial production and little care in making it aesthetically pleasing. As such it was located as far away south from the other cites. Unfortunately this city was lost after The Scream due to the the storms that ravaged it. Only a few people were able to escape the city before its destruction.

The exact location of the city remains are hard to pin down. After the scream, the city seperated from the ice shelf it resided on. The city now follows the movements of the thick ice sheets that float upon the great ash sea of the south pole of Orpheus.

In its prime the ‘city’ consisted of habitation and production domes clinging to the underside of the ice sheets. Khunum-Ka played a key role in keeping the planet fed with its large algae and seaweed farms before The Scream. Other species brought by the settlers from Old Terra, were also cultivated both as a direct food source, and to feed the large insect farms capable of supplying all Lyran cities at the time.

This city has been a key topic of research for Tehuti for centuries. The production techniques lost in the city’s destruction have may secrets potential to reduce Lyra’s reliance on ACRE food shipments. Recovery of this knowledge have lead to expeditions to find the city, but due to the danger of the storm and seas all expeditions to it have yielded little information, but Lyra still feels hopeful they one day they will recover these techniques eventually.

Necropolis, Former Face of Orpheus[]

Necropolis was once the proud face of Orpheus with people from all over the sector arriving and going through its great space port to experience the very best of Lyran culture. Embassies representing planets and interests from the farthest edges of the sector crowded its long and winding streets like a huge basar. Most of the city faced the open sky with large obelisks catching the lightning in their superconductive surface and lighting the beautiful artwork and hieroglyphs etched on them.

Then came the scream and resources suddenly got scarce. There was suddenly not enough  food and power to maintain the lavishly open city and soon it came to be abandoned. The actual details of how are shrouded in mystery and some claim the many bone vaults found in the catacomb roads are what is left of abandoned city´s inhabitants.

Now a true city of the dead, the snowed in and frozen Necropolis is only visited on holy days and pilgrimages to honor its populous' mass exodus to the After.

Khasu, City of Secrets[]

This city is shrouded in mystery and a closely guarded secret of House Lyra. Most do not know of its existence and many more believe it as a myth, but it is indeed real.  In one of coldest regions on Orpheus constantly battered by the storms lays a secret city, deep underground. There is no visible path to the city and most would say that everything on and under that mountain is dead, but that cannot be further from the truth. Khasu is home to the few who wish to live away from prying eyes or suspicious questions. An oasis for hermit scholars and philosophers; Reclusive Merets and eccentric craftsmen of all types. Many of the inhabitants wish for nothing more than to keep to their own work in relative solitude. A grand shrine lays at the center of the city, said to house countless bodies that are smuggled through secret passages for some unknown purpose.  Some say it is where massive psychic batteries containing hundreds of minds are created. Others say new secret MES techniques are being developed there. While others say it is where the shadow council meet. The only way of truly knowing is to go there and find out. Assuming you happen to be privy to its whereabouts/existence at all.

Those unworthy that spend too much time thinking of the city or worse, go looking for it, may experience increasingly horrible nightmares making them wish they had never heard the name to begin with. Some tell of unexplained spells of writer's block and other creative hindrances. Some rumors even tell of people who have completely forgotten their own existence by looking too closely for it.

To a degree, it is a place of little scrutiny. Not by design per se but as a byproduct of the fact that every resident is here (or think they are here) for their own purpose that they do not wish to share. It is an unspoken rule that no one will inquire. So while you may not find what is traditionally seen as criminals here, the alternative, and perhaps more disturbing truth is anyone’s guess.

Local Laws[]

Lyran’s are generally more accepting of what is considered “art” than most other Nobles. However this is not true for “fizzy cheese” a product banned on Orpheus for being seen as an abomination. The most apt description of what “fizzy cheese” IS as seen by Lyra, was given by a Tehuti when fizzy cheese first came to Orpheus “Fizzy cheese is like toilet humor; distasteful, crude, aimed at the lowest common denominator and something only a child or someone with no taste buds would find pleasure in” It did not take long for the House to ban the sale and possession of Fizzy Cheese from all of Orpheus. Any shipments are left out for pirates to take freely. Anything left behind is used for tinder and other random uses, including quick repair jobs



The smaller outer moon of Orpheus. A barren rock basically without atmosphere.

Reliquary of Thoth[]

Old architecture hall museum structure-1409708

Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1409708

On the darker moon of Orpheus, Meleia is the hallowed Reliquary of Thoth. Opened in the year 2810, after the first civil war,

Lyrans at the time wanted to preserve their cultural history for future generations. The reliquary has since become one of House Lyra’s most sacred constructs. The core of the reliquary is a dilapidated base of intricate design. The base must have been started before the scream, but has since then lost its purpose. The true purpose of this base has been a topic of debate among Tehuti for centuries. Lyran has since expanded the base attempting to mimic the intricate design of the original. The reliquary houses a piece of Lyran culture from each category for every year since its establishment. The cultural pieces that are chosen to become a relic is done during the grand ceremony on the Day of Display and is considered one of the highest honors among Lyrans. The pieces chosen is to be a representation of Lyra as a whole for that year.

With how important it has become the reliquary it has been the target of many thefts and terrorist operations. This has lead to the reliquary being one of most heavily guarded public properties that Lyra owns. Great security measure have been placed to prevent theft and damage of any relics. It is under constant surveillance and employs many guards known as Keepers of the Magi that work tirelessly.

Lyrans are expected to visit the Reliquary at least once a decade after they have come of age. This is traditionally to inspire, educate, and to give reverence all of those that have came before them. If a non Lyran wanted to visit the reliquary they must have the sponsorship from three Lyran families that are in good standing. Those families reputation would then be at risk if the guest causes any trouble during their visit. Otherwise guest will have to settle for a virtual tour of the reliquary provided in Djebashi.


The bigger inner moon of Orpheus. A barren rock basically without atmosphere.

Nassan Spaceport[]

Named after the moon it is located on, this is the primary location for starship traffic in this system. What is internally a standard Fornax design lunar spaceport has been given an aesthetic overhaul. Halls and doorways have the Lyra’s colors and symbols. Hallways have samples of Lyran art, advertisements of upcoming events, and information on the local laws on Orpheus. There are various shops in the spaceport selling breathing masks, local makeup, clothes, and other essentials for living on Orpheus. From here people can descend to the city of Djebashi using one of many transport shuttles.

Orpheus Photos[]

Gas Giant Mines[]


Li Fan Project[]

Occupation: Strange robots and their overseers

Situation: Pirates secretly fuel there


Occupation: Miserable gas-miner slaves or serfs

Situation: Pirates secretly fuel there

Research Base[]


Stokes 3[]

Occupation: Black-ops governmental researchers

Situation: Selling black-market tech

Space Stations[]


Manzi 4[]

Occupation: Secretive military observers

Situation: Vault for dangerous pretech

Sefadu 1[]

Occupation: Freeze-dried ancient corpses

Situation: Vault for dangerous pretech

Cultural Power[]

The world is a considerable cultural power in the sector, producing music, art, philosophy, or some similar intangible that their neighbors find irresistably attractive. Other worlds might have a profound degree of cultural cachet as the inheritor of some venerable artistic tradition.


  • Murderously eccentric artist
  • Crazed fans
  • Failed artist with an obsessive grudge
  • Critic with a crusade to enact


  • Struggling young artist
  • Pupil of the artistic tradition
  • Scholar of the art
  • Offworlder hating the source of corrupting alien ways


  • The art is slowly lethal to its masters
  • The art ismentally or physically addictive
  • The art is a fragment of ancient technical or military science


  • The instrument of a legendary master
  • The only copy of a dead master's opus
  • Proof of intellectual property ownership


  • Recording or performance studio
  • Public festival choked with tourists
  • Monument to the dead master of the art

Freak Weather[]

The planet is plagued with some sort of bizarre or hazardous weather pattern. Perhaps city-flattening storms regularly scourge the surface, or the world's sun never pierces its thick banks of clouds.


  • Criminal using the weather as a cover
  • Weather cultists convinced the offworlders are responsible for some disaster
  • Native predators dependent on the weather


  • Meteorological researcher
  • Holodoc crew wanting shots of the weather


  • The weather itself
  • Malfuncitoning pretech teraforming engines that cause the weather


  • Wind-scoured deposits of precious minerals
  • Holorecords of a spectacularly and rare weather pattern
  • Maturally-sculpted objects of intricate beauty


  • Eye of the storm
  • The one sunlit place
  • Terraforming control room

House Lyra

Culture and philosophy
Faction Turn