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Lux Gravare Founding Day is an annual local holiday on Cabina. It commemorates the founding of Lux Gravare, Cabina's first post-scream human city in 2943. The March 25th celebration is often accompanied with well over a week of events and festivals.


Following the planetary bombardment of Cabina in 2906, resulting in the decimation of its Cah-Binn population and inadvertent spiraling devastation of its biosphere, a small Aquilan garrison was left to oversee what was assumed to be a dead world.

This token garrison was withdrawn from Cabina in 2943 to assist in the escalating Second Civil War.  Shortly thereafter the small colony of people that had sprung up around the garrison fort claimed it for their own uses. They christened it Lux Gravare, or “Burden of Light,” and began the work of restoring the planet. This city would become the capital city of Cabina.

This colony included members of the Cult of the Plow (pacifist Reticulum nobles, specializing in tea cultivation), House Triangulum scientists, members of the Aquilan garrison who deserted or stayed behind, other proto-Repentant cults and individuals, and whoever else was foolish enough to decide to settle on a dead world with a collapsed ecosystem.

Several years later, surviving Cah-Binn began emerging from underground bunkers. This early settlement's success in establishing nonviolent relations with the reemergent Cah-Binn is another achievement commemorated by this holiday.

Present Day[]

Today, this holiday is celebrated on Cabina (particularly in the capitol of Lux Gravare), with parades, speeches, festivals, music, a showcasing of Cah-Binn performances and arts, and local cuisine from biosphere restoration successes. Lux Gravare's Zkaat-kit-t Memorial Plaza is often occupied for the whole month with exhibits and festivities.

While primarily a Cabinan holiday, Repentant individuals throughout the sector often tend to acknowledge and celebrate it as a conflation (deliberate or not) with the Church of Humanity Repentant's founding in 2969.  Repentant individuals argue that the commitment of early Lux Gravare settlers to restore the planet, and to achieve peaceful coexistence with the reemerging Cah-Binn, proved them Repentant in spirit, if not yet in name. Moreoever, many Repentant individuals view Cabina's history and existence as something to celebrate, as a step, however faltering, in the instantiation of Repentant ideals.

In 3201, following the new Triangulum governor's commitment to a platform of growth, immigration and Imperial cooperation, the celebration was also used to highlight the diversity and accomplishments of Cabina's widespread immigrant communities and settlements.