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The full title of an Aquilan noble or soldier within the Imperial Legions adhere to the following structure chart:

Aquilan Naming Chart

Any individual block may be omitted based on individual preference. The only mandatory blocks are Rank or Title, House, and Name.


The military rank is the highest level of individual organisation within the Aquilan Legions, and is used to indicate command and operational authority, as well as basic roles and responsibilities within the military. Each rank has a symbol used on uniforms, badges, insignia, or title abbreviations.

The Imperial Legions also use a shortened rank structure to simplify individual identification and require all blocks to be filled:

Imperial Legion Rank Chart
Rank Symbol Duty



Legates command an entire legion and are usually the highest ranked officer in a legion unless commanded by Imperial Decree. They are appointed to the position by a majority vote among lower officers, and they have the right to vote and speak in the Convocation.

A legate's concerns are chiefly strategic: they lead planetary campaigns, make high level decisions and they only directly lead troops in a pitched battle involving the entire legion.



Praetors officially serve to represent the Imperial House and the will of the Throne within the Legions by functioning as political liaisons and usually as an advisory role to a legate – though in emergency situations they can also serve as legion commanders. Uniquely Praetors act as the final say on matters of discipline within a legion and generally serve as judge, jury and more often than not executioner.

While technically a lower rank than legate, a praetor is the more prestigious position of the two, as unlike other ranks in the Legions, praetors are appointed solely through political maneuvering in the ā€‹Convocation – often from promising prefects and tribunes. As such, the rank of praetor is not a position attainable through typical promotion. A praetor has the right to vote and speak in the Convocation.



Prefects serve as commanders of multiple units of cohorts – a unit known as a prefecture – and generally have the most tasks to perform in-order to ensure the efficiency of the legions. Prefects are the highest level of local operational command and the ones chiefly responsible for directing troop movements on the battlefield.


Tribunes lead cohorts of 4–6 centuriae in battle, and are the first officer that may be appointed by decree of a superior officer. Tribunes are also the first officerial position that is not directly needed on the front line. Tribunes are the silent heroes of the legion as their position does not give them the same respect as the office above or below, but is no less important than either.

Tribunes are given the most difficult operational tasks and frequently are instructed to form Limitanei legions – a thankless task as those legions will disband quickly. They rarely encounter combat and have no standing tradition or heraldry. Tribunes therefore may have to sacrifice the opportunity of swift promotion in order to defend the Empire.



Centurion Triarii

ā•Ÿ (Triarii)

Centurions are the highest ranking officers still active on the front line, living very much by the motto ā€œlead from the frontā€. They function as field commanders in the Aquilan Legions – each specialized and knowledgeable in their specific operational roles. To be a Centurion is to be a true champion of House Aquila.


Of all the soldiers in the Legions, none are so respected as the Triarii – the expert pilots of the Imperial Legions. These pilots are chosen from only the most skilled applicants and given rigorous training in order to pilot strike craft and the prized Lorica mechs.

It is said that in battle one triarii is worth a centuria of legionaries. Though the statement may be exaggerated, the role of the Triarii is vital: they act as elite shock troops moving quickly and striking hard with most battles being won on the back of a successful charge by the Triarii.



Decanus typically commands nine other soldiers in the 10-man decan, though this number depends on the particular legion. A decanus is an elected officer chosen by the other soldiers in the squad to lead them. As such a decanus is more often than not charismatic, bold and intelligent.


A position as a legionary is a dangerous one: they are not as well armored or equipped as the Triarii, nor are they given any special equipment or abilities that soldiers from other houses might have. What they are given is fair more important: Training, discipline, leadership, and a goal. A legionary from any background, noble or otherwise, within House Aquila can advance through the ranks.

Upon reaching the end of their 25 years of service a serf legionary may be awarded with the Constitutio title.


A soldier's or unit's classification is a descriptor used to denote their general operational theatre that the unit or individual as been trained to operate within.

Classification Theartre Training
Hastati Hastati classification denotes training in planetary or ground based combat operations. Hastati classification makes up the bulk of combat legion forces.
Navalis Navalis classification denotes training naval based combat operations. Soldiers ranked centurion and above within this classification usually command a star ship, with the higher the rank the larger the vessel or the more ships under their command.
Auxilia Auxilia classification denotes training in non-combat and other support operations within the Aquilan Legions.
Triarii Triarii classification denotes training in the use of Lorica or the various strike craft used in the Aquilan Legions.

Note that for pilots, those who hold the rank of triarii, this classification is omitted.


To see the equipment loadouts for these specializations, see Imperial Legion Loadouts

Specializations are to identify the skills, roles, or experience that an individual legionary has in order to facilitate efficient command and use of available resources. Members of the Legions are able to hold multiple specializations at once – provided they complete and maintain the necessary training required. In these instances the primary, or most active, specialization's name is listed first with all secondary specialization names listed after.

In some circles the number of specializations a legionary possesses is a mark of honor and pride, however it is general practice to limit the number of specializations listed on official paperwork to a mere two.

Hastati Specializations

Role Primary Secondary
Limitanei (Militia) Socii Accensus
Recruit Tirones Trio
Scout Velites Aspectu
Marksman/Sniper Iuvenis Sagittarii
Combat Engineer Architechi Artificer
Light artillery (Man-Portable) Peditatus Ballistarius
Medical Medica Medicus
Standard Bearer Signifer Vexillarius
Military Police/Garrison Urbane Rorarii
Orbital Drop Shock Trooper (ODST) Orbitalis Impulsa
Mechanized Equus Essedum
Heavy Artillery (Mechanized) Onager Pulvia
Light Tank Rota Celeritas
Heavy Tank Cataphrachtii Murus

Navalis Specializations

Role Primary Secondary
Navigator Navita Navis
Pilot Accipiter Gubernator
Marine Astrus Impetum
Communications Operator Audientis Vox
Sailor Nauta Elatai
Engineer Mechanicus Machinator
Gunnery Crew Siphōnatores Daedalus
Flight Deck Crew Fuga Orna
Sensor Operator Sensun Sentire
Tactical Operator Consilium Belli

Auxilia Specializations

Role Primary Secondary
Conscripted Labor Milites Miles
Support/Non-combat Auxila Auxilarius
Drone Operator Phili Tractus
Command Staff Mandatum Optio
Recruitment Officer Scholae Palanti
Ground Crew Solum Terra

Triarii Specializations

Role Primary Secondary
Suit Lorica Armis Causa
Light Lorica Fortis Pluma
Heavy Lorica Ingentis Gravis
Strikecraft Pilot Accipiter Artis

Miscellaneous Specializations

Role Primary Secondary
Seniority Ranks

Vatican Numbering

(Primus, Secundus, etc,)

Cultural Flavoring
Honored Veteran Acceptarius Evocatus
Quaestionarius Q N/A
Psychic Mendax Theugia

Rank Seniority[]

In the Imperial Legions the seniority rank "specialization" may be taken by commanding officers based on their position within their unit. Typically the importance of these ranks varies based on each legion, however, the rank of Primus is recognized throughout the legion military and is especially important for the entire command structure. Seniority ranks always take primary precedence over other specializations and, in the case of Primus, must always be listed after an officer's rank. Primus ranked soldiers also add the āˆ˜ symbol after their normal rank symbol. 

For example, a Legate Primus is symbolized as ā˜…āˆ˜

Rank Duty
Legate Primus

Legate Primus command legion battle-groups in large scale operations where multiple legions will be operating in a single theater. The Primus position is awarded to the most senior legate of the assembled legions and is only held for the length of the battle-group operation.

This rank does not give any additional powers within the Convocation and its authority over the other legions of a battle-group is strictly limited. The position is to help maintain effective coordination between multiple legions by providing a singular overall strategy for the battle-group, the day to day operation of a legion is still entirely within the purview of the legate of each legion.

Prefect Primus Usually the last rank before the position of legate, the prefect primus commands the most elite prefecture of a legion. This position is highly esteemed, and often the most popular candidate in a legate election.
Tribune Primus Second-in-command to a prefect, the tribune primus leads the top cohort in a prefecture. Tribune Primus have the same operational role and responsibilities as a regular tribune, as well as assisting their prefect with support in administrative and command tasks.
Centurion Primus This is the second-in-command to a Tribune; they are the top centurion of a cohort. Centurion Primus typically command the most elite centuria of a cohort.
Decanus Primus This is the second-in-command to a centurion and the top decanus in a centuria. They are absolutely necessary for the smooth running of a centuria, by allowing the centurion to focus their attention on urgent matters instead of micromanaging every decan.
Legionary Primus The second-in-command to a decanus and selected by their decanus to assist in decan operation. Typically the legionary primus is responsible for maintaining and operating decan communication equipment. As such, the legionary primus plays a key role in maintaining intra-centuria coordination during combat operations.

Quaestionarius Corps[]

The Quaestionarius Corps is the intelligence agency of the Imperial Legions and is tasked with monitoring internal affairs alongside conducting counterintelligence operations.

Each member of the Quaestionarius is hand-picked by an officer already within the Corps, having seen their candidates potential and vetted them against potential infiltration.

Noble Titles[]

Outside of the Imperial Legions, Aquilan nobility each hold a title that defines their position within the noble hierarchy. These titles are most associated with the non-military governing structure of House Aquila.

Noble Hierarchy

Title Description
Quaestor Quaestors act as overseers of the planetary or system level institutions of House Aquila. A quaestor is the highest level of authority within House Aquila outside of the Imperial Legions and the Convocation. Because of this, a quaestor is often found acting as judge, magistrate, or arbiter, attempting to resolve conflicts as they arise. Quaestors are also tasked with representing House Aquila in the Imperial Justice systems.
Archontes Archontes are the governors of Aquilan Themes. Archontes are appointed by the Convocation from a proposal by the Legates. They have automomous control over the Theme territory and though Archontes are civilians, they have limited military command capabilities within the Theme.
Aedile Aedile are the administrators, diplomats, and bureaucrats of House Aquila. Holders of this title are tasked with executing the will and decree of the Convocation for non-legion matters. Typically holders of this title are given property and accommodation within Infernum, as much of their work requires audience within the halls of the Convocation itself. Aedile are often tasked with representing House Aquila and the Convocation in inter-house matters.
Primicerius The head or chief of a provincial governing body, a primicerius is responsible for ensuring that all settlements, cities, and vital businesses or industries deliver on their required quotas. The provincial divides of Diomikato date back to the earliest days of colonization. A primicerius is typically granted land and property near and within the provincial capital and a staff of their choosing.
Vicarius Vicarius act as assistants and functionaries within the provincial governing bodies of House Aquila. One of the most common roles a vicarius performs is auditing the operations of settlements and critical industries to ensure adherence to Aquilan standards of performance. Nobles are typically granted the title of vicarius on the recommendation of the provincial primicerius.
Praceptor A praceptor administers and oversees the operation of a settlement, village, or township on Diomikato. The title requires prior ownership of land for a minimum of threes years, and letters of recognition and recommendation from the provincial council. A praceptor, as with all of the higher titles within Aquila, is granted a small percentage of the taxes from the settlement, in order to adequately fulfill the expanded responsibilities that come with this title.
Vilicus Vilicus is a title granted to members of the nobility who operate businesses or industries identified as critical to the operation of the Aquilan Legions. Although this title carries little direct responsibilities, it does have significant political clout within House Aquila. The title of vilicus is issued by a sub-committee of the Convocation, and applicants are typically expected to have multiple references and letters of recommendation from their peers, as well as evidence of their respective industries importance to the House and the Legions.
Magister This title is awarded to those who teach in the Academia Ardenti Arbitrium. Chosen by a convocational sub-committee, this title brings with it rooms at the AAA and a salary. The nobles chosen for these positions vary greatly both in standing and expertise, as well as their fields of expertise - teaching everything from military tactics to estate management as the AAA provides education to the majority of the nobles in Aquila.

The title of trierarchus is awarded to those who have been granted, by the Convocation, the license and charter to own and operate one or more spacecraft for a commercial enterprise.

Note that this title is not required for personal transportation or leisure craft.

Dux The title of dux denotes a landed noble, and is considered by many to be the traditional base title within the Aquilan nobility. The primary expectation of a dux is the delivery of a good or service that benefits the house in some capacity. As usable land is, generally speaking, a rare commodity on Diomikato those who have ownership of it are to use it towards the betterment of the house and Empire.

Promagistrate is a title awarded to nobles who have completed a tour of duty in the Aquilan Legions. The title itself does not award any additional responsibility, but it does carry a level of social status and respect amongst the members of the nobility.

In exception is the Promagistrate Primus, a special title granted to the Speaker of the Convocation upon their induction. This is the only noble title to use the primus signifier.

Domina (F) / Dominus (M) / Dominox (N)

This is the lowest level title for true nobles of House Aquila, and indicates that the noble is unlanded. Within House Aquila, the landed status of the nobility does not limit the fields of study or employment, however unlanded nobles are generally not seen within the higher levels of the Aquilan governing or administrative institutions. The more traditional families and individuals consider holders of this title to be ā€œlesserā€ nobles.

Note that this is the only noble title to have specific gender variations.


The Constitutio are a societal class unique to House Aquila; while technically a non-noble especially to the other noble houses of the sector, those holding the title of constitutio are granted special privileges as a award for their military service.

Only serfs who have served a minimum of twenty-five years in the Imperial Legions and who have earned a noble sponsorship are put up for consideration as a possible recipient of the title.

Athletic Titles[]

Title Duty
Raeda A coach
Participem A member of an official Aquilan sports team
Vindex Given to athletes who have achieved greatness in their sport
Protelum A leader of an official Aquilan sports team.

Additional Names []

Politcal Party[]

Legates and praetors can add the name of their convocational party to their name.

Et Scutum
Et Accipiter
Et Testudo

Legion Name[]

After their name members of a legion may add the legion name and number. The use of the words ā€œLegionā€ or ā€œLegioā€ is interchangeable.


When awarded a medal, the recipient can add the abbreviation of the medal to the end of their name.

House Aquila

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