Far Verona Wiki
Far Verona Wiki


Golden Flake is one of the longest-used drugs in Acheron Rho, favored by Nobles and members of high society because of its unique appearance and premium price. The drug’s primary ingredient is sap from the Gildpine, a tree genetically modified by House Cygnus from other species and propagated throughout the sector to worlds that could support it. The Gildpine is an unusually sturdy tree with sharp needles and strong boughs, and it gets its name from the deep, golden color of its sap which sometimes drips down the trunk, glimmering in sunlight.

The sap is collected, hardened, and ground into a fine powder for use in Golden Flake. Notably, the shade of the gold is very important in determining the quality of the drug. The less luster and brilliance, the less powerful the drug, fading from a brilliant, golden hue, to something resembling fool’s gold, to a dull, almost ghostly looking pale yellow.

Effects and Side Effects[]

The primary effects of Golden Flake are increased energy, increased tolerance to alcohol, heightened sociability, and increased sex drive. This makes it a highly desirable drug amongst party-going nobles, especially as a way to start the night for those looking to let loose.

Side effects of extended use include periods of memory loss, dry mouth, hunger, increased heart rate and, in extreme cases, potentially death. Golden Flake is dangerous because its initial effects are generally quite mild when compared to other drugs, but if abused it can become harmful to the body very quickly.

House Crux

Crucian Civil War