Far Verona Wiki

The First Imperial Civil War, (also known as The War of Unification) was the sector-wide conflict that followed the rebuilding of spike drives by House Fornax and the unveiling of a complete [Citation Needed] sector map by House Vela. The war, playfully called a "Mild Disagreement over who gets to be The Emperox" by historians, began in 2804 but was not a consistent 'hot war' for the majority of that time. It was characterized by various standoffs, assassinations, plots, diplomatic maneuvers, as well as direct and aggressive military actions. The conflict lasted 97 years until, in 2901, Empress Aquila Alejandra Ari, later known as the Blood Eagle, seized the Imperial Throne after reuniting the rest of the Empire through military conquest.

For a general history of the Sector please visit History of Acheron Rho


  • 2804 - The war officially kicks off as a diplomatic summit to find an emperox fails.
  • 2806 - A.C.R.E., a group of Eridanii nobles already fed up with the politics of deciding an Emperox after two, splits from the Imperial Bank and officially incorporates on the productive industrial world of Demnoph. They would go on to secure control over the agricultural and mining industries and profiteered from the ongoing war.
  • 2891 - Legate Aquila Alejandra Ari after uniting the war-ravaged Aliya system announces her ultimately successful military Campaign of Unification of the sector at-large.
  • 2892 - The Vaultkeeper of House Eridanus was assassinated and Legate Aquilia Alejandra Ari vowed to defend the banking house, winning Eridanii logistical support.
  • 2901 - Empress Aquila Alejandra Ari is crowned Emperox VI.