Far Verona Wiki

After the Scream in 2665, the citizens of the Empire were separated and trapped on their planets. After House Fornax reinvented the modern Spike drive in 2671, Houses Fornax and Vela worked together to remap the system. Many of the ships provided by House Fornax and mainly crewed and navigated by House Vela, were lost in this endeavor.

With the finished map of Acheron Rho unveiled by House Vela in 2792, the Houses of The Empire came together for the first time in 2800 to commemorate the brave explorers, who sacrificed their lives for the unity of The Empire.

The Empire still remembers the names of the ship crews, who sacrificed their lives to recreate the map of Acheron Rho during the Rebuilding. Here you can find the names of these Heroes of the Empire, listed in the order in which the Houses were rediscovered.
