This page will follow A.C.R.Es Faction Turn moves and illustrate its fictional positioning of assets and actions in the Far Verona universe.
This page contains information that is not consistent with the current state of the Far-Verona Faction Turn game due to possible faction death, merger, splitting, complete rebranding, or other cause. Go here to see what happened to them.
Asset Name | Asset Location | # of Assets | Asset Description |
Base of Influence(49 hp) | Demnoph, | 1 | The Ziggurat is the center of A.C.R.E operations. This is where all Directors gather for important meetings and discussions for the good of A.C.R.E |
Hostile Takeover( Taken by HC) | Demnoph, | 0 | The process of claiming all assets of a rival company. It is a powerful A.C.R.E tactic that enabled global control of Demnoph and control almost all food industry in Acheron Rho. The ability to accomplish this has been taken by the High Chuch of Messiah-as-Emperox, as funding was stolen by a team of infiltrators aided by traitors of A.C.R.E. |
Commodities Broker | Demnoph, | 2 | Trade companies and subsidiaries under the authority of A.C.R.E, these assets use their skills to create favorable trades between A.C.R.E and the other corporations and noble houses. Some of these subsidiaries were released to the Houses Minor in order to make reparations for the war. |
Space Marines | Diomikato, Aliya | 0 | A.C.R.E C.O.R.Es finest soldiers, often tasked to stamp out possible rebellions and protect the shipping lanes from pirates. Due to tensions rising in the core worlds they have been deployed to Diomikato in full force. Some forces were lost due to subterfuge and treachery in the ranks, joining the Houses Minor. Finally C.O.R.E is dismantled following A.C.R.E's surrender to the Empire. |
Pretech Researchers | Demnoph, | 1 | Teams of exceptional A.C.R.E researchers and design specialists, they enable great leaps in technology that normally wouldn’t be available on Demnoph. |
Pretech Logistics | Demnoph, | 1 | Salvage yards and internal research facilities, this asset recycles old equipment and fits them for A.C.R.E C.O.R.E or to trade with other factions. Was used for a time in the employ of The Deathless and the UPC. |
Party Machine | Cabina, | 1 | Political block of A.C.R.E that advocates how much Acheron Rho needs A.C.R.E.They have been stationed on Teuthem and are now currently working with the Devotees of the Good Work on Cabina. |
Postech Industry (DESTROYED) | Teuthem, | 0 | A salvage yard located on Teuthem, produces whatever is need by A.C.R.E and provides jobs to many of Teuthems citizens. Since its recent acquisition by A.C.R.E; the Voice of the Seven, Gunbearer arrived to tell the workers to remember where they came from. Heeding the words of the Voice of the Seven, the workers initiated a walkout and effectively shut down A.C.R.E industry on Teuthem. |
Beachhead Landers (Destroyed) | Demnoph, | 0 | A new A.C.R.E business startup called the Universal Package Service (UPS). UPS is a collection of transport vessels created to combat rampant piracy in the core worlds. These units resupply and support A.C.R.E C.O.R.E when it becomes necessary, or help evacuate A.C.R.E employees if the situation calls for it. UPS will also help facilitate new business ventures within the core worlds. |
Covert Shipping | Haqani, Perithr | 0 | Unregistered ships used for clandestine operations, very difficult to trace who they belonged to. These operators either turned on the cause or got shifted into other groups hands quite frequently. |
Transit Web | Demnoph, Tsatsos | 1 | Known as Project T.A.H.I.T.I, this is the grand design for effective space travel and delivery systems that A.C.R.E has been working to perfect for years. |
Zealots | Orpheus, Antakis | 1 | A joint-organizational military group belonging to several subfactions within the UPC, these units helped in the assault against Orpheus. These renegades have since been disowned by the UPC due to their actions on the planet. |
Asset/Faction Credit Trades[]
A.C.R.E pays House Vagrant 4 faccreds for Postech Industry- A.C.R.E acquired industrial facilities owned by Avant GR, turning it into salvage yards for project I.D.E.A. I.D.E.A is under the LEARN foundation and is in association with House Lyra. This is the first time A.C.R.E has come back to Teuthem since its mining facilities failed at Teuthem in 2831.[1]
A.C.R.E is paid a total of 9 faccreds from House Vela for Counterintel Units- House Vela is training A.C.R.E Surveillance Specialists on Demnoph in anticipation of a Velan station on Demnoph.
Party Machine swap with The PRISM Network- The PRISM Network gains access to the 39th floor of the Ziggurat, which is the center of all A.C.R.E operations. A.C.R.E gained access to the 39th floor of the Lighthouse, which originally belonged to the Ruby Red Network. [2]
A.C.R.E returns Teuthem Party Machine to PRISM Network, Gaining Cabina Party Machine- The Devoted Workers Party is the political arm of the CHR sect the Devotees of the Good Work. It was founded in response to recent tensions, and is headed by Sarah Canewright, granddaughter of the Devotees founder Jane. The Devotees overall represent an ideological middle ground between the CHR, A.C.R.E, and the UPC. Their political arm is primarily concerned with advocating for peace and prosperity across the sector, as well as increased rights for workers and freemen. Having some level of support within not just the CHR, but also ACRE and the UPC, their political movement has spread across three planets: Demnoph, Yakiyah, and Cabina.
The Velan Ascendancy gives Covert Shipping to A.C.R.E- Unregistered ships currently being used by the Asset & Credit Repossession Enterprise, further investigation would be required to identify where these vessels originated from.
Turn 01[]
// Commodities Broker x2 (rolled 4 and 8) subtract potentially up to 12 for the next purchase
A.C.R.E invests in new financial expansions on Yakiyah and starts shipping in tons of raw and processed material to Demnoph for a new project. A.C.R.E also acquires Vertex Industries in a bid to help maximize production and growth to the failing business. [3] [4]
Turn 02[]
// Buy Commodities Broker on Demnoph Cost= 10 FacCreds
A.C.R.E and the 14 Red Dogs Society have reached an agreement to allow unrestricted trade between the two organizations. A.C.R.E has started a new subsidiary company to help facilitate trade with Hong Lu’s government.[5]
Turn 03[]
1. Postech Industry on Teuthem (rolled a 6 +2 FacCreds)
After couple of months of establishing control and working together with their STO partner PRISM, using access to communication grid from the Lighthouse and becoming part of business community on Teuthem, A.C.R.E. is happy to announce that its industrial capacities are now fully operational.
A.C.R.E has been using local surveyors and their expertise. And we are happy to report that our new cooperation with STO partners has yielded fruit. Surveyors went deep into Teuthem’s wilderness and discovered ruins of long forgotten battle. Among the rubble there were hundreds of tons of unused rare earth composites. And our industrial capacities have used this precious find to its fullest potential. The core worlds can expect deliveries of such materials under current market price, A.C.R.E. trade fleet has been re-deployed and in upcoming weeks our customers will be able to be purchase these composites easily for their after-war rebuilding efforts.
2. Pretech Logistics on Demnoph- Counterintelligence Unit (9 creds)
A.C.R.E researches and produces surveillance tech and personnel in preparation for House Vela's upcoming training program on Demnoph. We wish to further congratulate House Vela's support of A.C.R.E and membership of the Sector Trade Organization. Without their hard work it would be near impossible to reestablish our near lost assets across the sector.
3. Commodities Broker x3 on Demnoph (discount of 9 for next purchase)
Thanks to the success of Teuthems industry, the office of Adaptable, conglomerated Resources and Equities (A.C.R.E) is pleased to announce that several subsidiaries have agreed to purchase the raw materials. In exchange, the subsidiaries will aid A.C.R.E in funding a future project in order to further support the empire. This is the beginning of significant progress towards stabilizing the economy after the discontinuation of synth technology.
4. Space Marines on Demnoph move to Yakiyah
A.C.R.E C.O.R.E is informed of possible rebel activity on Yakiyah. C.O.R.E command has dispatched several detachments of space marines to investigate and protect Yakiyahn citizens from potential insurgency. A.C.R.E has moved to secure major assets on Yakiyah to prevent collateral damage. [6] [7]
Turn 04[]
#3 Action: Use Asset Ability
1. Pretech Logistics (0407/Demnoph) Buy Buy Beachhead Landers for 6 FacCreds (10 base + 50% = 15 – 9 from Broker discount = 6 [above half original cost full discount gets applied])
2. Commodities broker x3 (0407/Demnoph) (RESULT 10)
3. Postech Industry (0303/Teuthem) [Died to Vagrant Demagogue)
4. Space Marines (0407/Demnoph) move to 0506 / Diomikato
5. Space Marines (0407/ Yakiyah) move to 0506 / Diomikato
In response to the growing piracy threat taking place in the core worlds and the loss of former Avant GR industry due to walkouts on Teuthem, A.C.R.E has deployed C.O.R.E troops on Rahe 1 in Diomikato’s orbit for refueling and temporary stationing. However, due to “failed communications”, A.C.R.E failed to notify House Aquila and a tense standoff is now in motion. A.C.R.E has also initiated a new business start-up aptly named the Universal Package Service(UPS), and has directed its commodities departments to provide the funding and materials necessary for such an endeavor. Recent accusations of treason against the Directorate have caused unrest between A.C.R.E and the empire at large, and the future of Acheron Rho’s food and industrial backbone is uncertain.
Turn 05[]
#06 New Goal: Blood the Enemy- GOAL RESOLVED; Action: ATTACK
1. Use Covert Shipping (0606 / Haqani) for 1facCred. 8 facCreds remaining
- Move Commodities broker x1 (0407/Demnoph) to 0704/Lodestone.
Unregistered ships used to transport the Asset & Credit Repossession Enterprise to Lodestone. These ships are also being used to transport goods on and off Lodestone so that A.C.R.E can “fix” the profit margins in the Docks.
2. Space Marine x2 (0506/ Diomikato) attack Houses Minor.
RESULTS: HM defend with Commodities Broker (Attack Succeeds) 18 Damage dealt to HM BoI, which is destroyed (7 HP Faction Damage)
RESULTS: HM defends with Commodities Broker (Tie) 14 damage to Commodities Broker and 5 damage to Marines
A.C.R.E C.O.R.E orbital drops onto Diomikato with support of R.A.K.E and G.A.I.A Proto-beasts, targeting and destroying the Convocation and The Nest. An Eridanii Brokerage named DANCE:TANGO is also targeted on the way and dismantled, allowing A.C.R.E full access to information regarding valuable assets on Diomikato.
3. Commodities Broker on Lodestone attack the HM
RESULTS: Crux defends for the HM on Lodestone with Informers (Attack Succeeds) 7 damage dealt to the Informers, destroying it.
Asset & Credit Repossession Enterprise have taken control of business, supplies, and utilities of the Docks on Lodestone. Squeezing House Pyxis of funds, House Crux sold off their ships used to carry vital intel to House Pyxis in order to prolong operations on Lodestone for at least another month.
Turn 06[]
#05 New Goal: Blood the Enemy
7 facCred’s income (7 Base, +1 Party Machine, -1 Pretech Researchers). 7 facCreds remaining
Action: Attack
1. Use Covert Shipping (0606 / Haqani) for 1facCred. 6 facCreds remaining
- Move Commodities broker x1 (0407/Demnoph) to (0705/Orpheus)
2. Use Covert Shipping (0407/Yakiyah) for 1facCred. 5 facCreds remaining
- Move Commodities broker x1 (0407/Demnoph) to (0705/Orpheus)
3. Space Marine (0506/ Diomikato) attack Houses Minor.
14 vs 11, Book of Secrets REROLL ACRE
12 vs 11, ATTACK SUCCEEDS, 12 damage
4. Commodities broker (XXXX/Lodestone) attack Houses Minor.
5. Commodities broker (0705/Orpheus) attack Houses Minor.
HM defends with PARTY MACHINE
TIE RESULT 3 damage, bypass to BOI; 4 counter
6. Commodities broker (0705/Orpheus) attack Houses Minor.
HM defends defends with PARTY MACHINE
Several A.C.R.E Departments begin operations on Orpheus and continue on Lodestone, driving the market against House Lyra and House Pyxis governments best efforts. Meanwhile On Diomikato A.C.R.E C.O.R.E continues the assault against the House Aquila home world and containing riots and attempting to subdue remaining Aquilan resistance. However A.C.R.E C.O.R.E is met with subterfuge by House Eridanus and internal turmoil, losing some of its manpower due to betrayal within the ranks. The Church of Humanity, Repentant protects A.C.R.E interests from The High Church of Messiah-as-Emperox on Demnoph as conflict rages on in Acheron Rho.
Turn 07[]
1.Use Covert Shipping (0606) Haqani for 1facCred. 6 facCreds remaining
-Move Commodities broker (0704) Lodestone to (0705) Orpheus
2.Use Covert Shipping (0407) Yakiyah for 1facCred. 5 facCreds remaining
-Move Zealots (0407) Demnoph to (0705) Orpheus
3.Commodities broker (0705) Orpheus attack Houses Minor, using the Plutocratic tag for advantage.
-HOUSES MINOR defend with PARTY MACHINE: Attack Fails
4.Zealots (0705) Orpheus attack The Houses Minor.
5.Commodities broker(0705) Orpheus attack Houses Minor.
-HOUSES MINOR defend with BOI: SUCCEEDS (BOI is destroyed 5 damge to HM faction HP)
6.Commodities broker (0705) Orpheus attack Houses Minor.
7.Hostile Takeover (0407) Demnoph attack The High Church.
-HIGH CHURCH defends with PANOPTICON MATRIX: SUCCEEDS //The Space Marines get a day off.
A.C.R.E pushes Orphean infrastructure to its breaking point, causing artificial supply shortages, damaged communications systems, and dysfunctional credit systems. Tragedy befalls House Lyra's people, creating schisms and chaos on Orpheus. Meanwhile on Demnoph, A.C.R.E attempts to interfere with the Argo Machine by supplying faulty parts and materials, while also learning how to develop and produce A.C.R.E Brand PLM(Psicharge-Liquid-Medium) in order to hopefully take over the operation.
Turn 08[]
#12 Buy Asset Action
Buy Transit Web (Using Pretech Researchers) on (0407/Demnoph) for 7 Fac Creds
A.C.R.E is proud to unveil Project T.A.H.I.T.I(Transit Authority of Hyperspace,Interstellar Travel Initiative), a marvel for space travel and delivery systems based on numerous attempts of the past. However, due to the conflicts between A.C.R.E and the Empire Demnoph is besieged by invasion forces. While A.C.R.E is distracted a team of infiltrators enlisted by the High Church of Messiah-as-Emperox were sent in to steal funds that were desperately needed, and the Trilliant Ring began a massive recruiting drive that effectively dismantles the UPS(Universal Package Service).
Turn 09[]
#11 Sell Asset
Sell Space Marines (0506/Diomikato) for 15 FacCreds
With the surrender of A.C.R.E, soldier contracts with C.O.R.E were voided to help pay off bankruptcy. Their equipment and resources were also sold to the highest bidder, while many soldiers were left stranded without a way back home. Unless they could afford transport via Project T.A.H.I.T.I.
House Eridanus has acquired A.C.R.E's holdings and assets, reforming the once split Imperial Bank's worth whole again.
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